Monday, 30 May 2011

Building my model and users input

The construction of my exhibition piece took a lot of planning, however I saved a large amount of money using left over wood pieces in my garage.

Utilizing the power tools in my garage I slowly cut and pieced my blocks together, using nails and glue. After completing each pathway I checked to make sure each marble fitted its chosen pat as it went.
After piecing the model together I covered it using a can of $13 black spray paint, and then began to test it with users.


I tested my model on both types of users, ones who understood the coding language and ones that had no background knowledge.

I found that the people who knew the coding language understood my model, and what metaphorical aspects it has, and were able pick out the if/else statement.
However the users that had no background knowledge took longer to fully understand the meaning behind my model as the found it harder to see where the if/else function came into play. To fix this issue I decided to paint the gaps to coincide with the terms, making it more obvious where the if/else functions where occurring.
Apart from this aspect all users found my exhibition piece to be enjoyable, and found this metaphor fun and relatable, thus making it easier for them to understand.

Bellow is some finishing images of my model.

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