Monday, 30 May 2011

My final metaphor :)

My final idea
A expansion on the snakes and ladders theme.
i made this idea simpler, and less like a copy of the snakes and ladders game. thus this chosen metaphor produces and interactive piece for the exhibition. Using marbles individuals can see, depending on the marbles size the marble will either fall into the gap and travel down the separate pathway or pass over the gap. This is the metaphor; here is a simplified version of the coding term;

Event: marble rolling down pathway with gaps;

If (marble < gap) {
    marble falls down and follows different track}

Else (marble > gap) {continues on down a different pathway;

If (marble < gap) {
    marble falls down and follows different track}

Else (marble > gap) {continues on down a different pathway;

If (marble < gap) {
marble falls down and follows different track}

Else (marble > gap) {continues on down different pathway;

If marble < gap) {
marble falls down and follows different track}

Else (marble follows path and comes to a halt

Therefore the test in this metaphor is whether the marble will fit through the gap within the pathway. If this test is true the marble will then fall down though the gap and continue on a different path; this being the statement being executed. However if the marbles size is large than the gap it will continue to roll down the pathway. This test occurs with each gap the marble crosses. 

here is a sketch of the model;

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